Yet, it's better than the pale blue lowercase "g" they tried to get away with last time around, though that's like saying cholera is a better way to die than bubonic plague.
In honor of DeLurking day, I check in. While I now live in Ormond Beach, my hometown, many years ago, is Springfield, Missouri, just up the road from Ozark, an old high school rival. Keep up the great blog.
Back when we were kids, the advertising people told us that "in the future" we'd all be free from disease and living in peace, flying around with our own jetpacks. The future is now...and we're still waiting.
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Get This Off the Ground
Google Gives Me a Penny If You Click This Stupid Banner.
Yet, it's better than the pale blue lowercase "g" they tried to get away with last time around, though that's like saying cholera is a better way to die than bubonic plague.
Anonymous, at January 12, 2009 at 8:51 AM
I’d rather look at the London 2012 Olympics logo.
Anonymous, at January 12, 2009 at 1:52 PM
In honor of DeLurking day, I check in. While I now live in Ormond Beach, my hometown, many years ago, is Springfield, Missouri, just up the road from Ozark, an old high school rival. Keep up the great blog.
longrooffan, at January 12, 2009 at 8:10 PM
@makethelogobigger - ha!
I think a first grader could've come up with something more original.
Thinking In Vain, at January 14, 2009 at 9:53 AM
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