Tuesday, March 13, 2007

All Around the World - Gotta Spread the Word

The Band? It's not like they're U2 or anything.Cha-Chingular

Freelance Fred's been on the case of what will likely end up being called a "misunderstanding" between BBDO, their client Cingular and a musician named Levon Helm. Seems BBDO used one of Helm's tunes and is not paying.

That ain't right. Now, if this whole Web 2.0 social media next big thing was meant to do anything, it was meant to get things done. Right wrongs. Share ideas. Collaborate.

Spread the story and tag your entries with BBDO, Helm and Cingular. Might as well throw AT&T on there too. You know the social media strategists and brand reputation management types don't like tags with negative connotations and will work to correct. I am not familiar with Helm's work, though I know he was pretty popular in his day and his group influenced a lot of other musicians, so he likely has some cash stored away, but still, it's the principle. You think anyone would try to do that to Mick and the boys? Take their music without paying? Crusty Ol' Mick would sue them straight to Hell (where he keeps a legal residence) and they know it. Let's get Mr. Helm some money.

Disclaimer: I'm locked into a Cingular contract. This is an actual line from the contract: "...until the end of the world or until Jesus returns, whichever comes first."

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  • Yeah, "ain't right" is about how I'd describe it. As for how much money Mr. Helm has, it's probably irrelevant legally, but I'm fairly sure the only real financial winner from The Band was Robbie Robertson and the record company. Add that to the fact that overcoming 24 radiation treatments ain't cheap (or fun) and I'd bet he's no rich man. The good news is, he can sing again!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 13, 2007 at 3:24 PM  

  • On a non-musical note, I’m a Cingular Slave too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 13, 2007 at 7:39 PM  

  • Done. I can't stand Cingular and am patiently awaiting June when my contract runs out. The only problem is who next to go to.

    By Blogger Thinking In Vain, at March 13, 2007 at 10:02 PM  

  • that logo's wearing some very tight orange pants...last time I saw them they were on Steve Tyler.

    By Blogger copyranter, at March 14, 2007 at 12:40 PM  

  • Cingular calls their icon Jack btw. I am no better off for sharing this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 14, 2007 at 12:53 PM  

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