Friday, April 04, 2008

What Can Copyranter Do For You?

Give your blog stats an obscene bulge. Haven't seen this kind of flash in the pan since BoingBoing got a hold of the Land O' Lakes post. Seems the Ranter found the wrestlers sans nipples a funny thing, which got the attention of Gawker, YesButNoButYes and some other sites. So my two greatest hits have been breast related. I'm sure there is a lesson here about content and how to attract visitors.

Thanks, Mark, but my second fifteen minutes among the bloggerati are now over. Bounce rate back to a hideously high percentage. Daily traffic back to a hideously low number. This blogging stuff is hard work.

I will tag this post with "Brazilian nude beach cam" for some artificial stat inflation just so the final settling into the low hundreds isn't such a jolt to my blog's ego. And the blogging maxim I recommend to anyone but rarely practice is always true, "Tag it with suggestive labels and they will come."

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  • Ah, I feel so much better. My stats stink and my one spike above 1,000 came when I did a thought piece on the "Green Bay Bikini Girls." Again ... chest-related. At least we know our human audience is consistent.

    By Blogger Ben Kunz, at April 9, 2008 at 9:30 PM  

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