Friday, April 25, 2008

Seven Other Places

Here are seven other places on the Internet you could be.

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  • Thanks for the shout, Jetpack. And for intrduction to demented Married to the Sea.

    By Blogger Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising, at April 25, 2008 at 9:21 PM  

  • Doesn't suck! I take that as a rave. Gracias, senor Jetpack. Fly long, and fly far.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 28, 2008 at 12:39 PM  

  • 1. I wish for that every day of my miserable job life. But no, I'm told how to best write a 15 second TV spot... woohoo..

    2. Wow... I can just imagine him smelling the job revisions while punching his bladder in the good way.

    3. There's nothing sexier than a girl kneeling for her host.

    4. Those kooky males, they always have something to say.

    5. That merits its own meme.

    6. But it's oh so fun.

    7. Now I'd love to see 'amlet... Alas Poor Horatio... 'e was but a lihle tit and got up and deaded in the nigh.

    By Blogger Joker, at May 7, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

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