An Unfortunate Moment in Tech Advertising
The geniuses of Plaid pointed me to this fun collection of ads and photos at IBM's website.
Labels: creativity, tech advertising, vintage ads
Labels: creativity, tech advertising, vintage ads
Labels: politics, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, talk radio
Labels: ad blogs, blogger, blogging, blogging best practices, corporate America, cubicles, link and the world links with you, linkage, linkfest 2000, linkorama
Labels: band names, Google News, homemade music, music industry, randomness, rebranding, record labels, where's my jetpack
Labels: Ben Stiller, comedy, Gladys Knight and the pips, Jack black, Robert Downey Jr, viral video, web 2.0, YouTube
Labels: copywriting, Google maps, Indianapolis 500, real estate agents, streetviews
Labels: corporate America, corporate culture, cubicles, IT department
Labels: ABC, American Dairy Association, Danica Patrick, ESPN, formula one racing, godaddy, Indianapolis 500, racing
Labels: 1-800 numbers, blog milestones of no importance, blogging, radio ads, TV ads, where's my jetpack
Labels: Priceline, shatner, the shat, TV ads, William Shatner
Labels: America, Memorial Day, united states military
Labels: ad sales, AEs, bullshit, cold calling, consulting, new media, sales, social media, twitter
Labels: band names, Google News, homemade music, music industry, randomness, rebranding, record labels, where's my jetpack
Labels: 2008 race, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, cheaters, democratic politics, Google, Google logo, Hillary Clinton, liars, presidential politics, thieves, where's my jetpack
Labels: 7 other places, abraham linkin', bloggers, blogging, chain link, link and the world links with you, linkfest 2000, linkorama, links can be your ticket to riches, the atlantic
Labels: blogging, John McCain, political blogging, presidential politics, social media, web 2.0
Labels: diamonds, jewelry, print ads, Virgin Islands
Labels: American flag, counter spin, John Boehner, lapel pins, presidential politics, public relations, spin, us flag
Labels: cola ads, retro ads, subliminal advertising, vintage ads
Labels: bad ads, banner ads, Design, St. Croix, stock photography, tourism, USVI, Virgin Islands
Labels: Babylon, Barack Obama, Disney, John McCain, United States, where's my jetpack
Labels: band names, Google News, homemade music, music industry, randomness, rebranding, record labels, where's my jetpack
Labels: 7 other places, abraham linkin', advertising jobs, Amtrak, link and the world links with you, linkage, links can be your ticket to riches, logos, movie marketing, Obama, presidential politics, Rush
Labels: apocalypse, Babylon, comedy, Comedy Central, Daily Show, Radio Free Babylon
Labels: air travel, Amtrak, creative consulting, Design, Emmett Fremaux, microsites, train travel, trains
Labels: band names, Google News, homemade music, music industry, randomness, rebranding, record labels, where's my jetpack
Labels: ad blogs, bloggerama, blogging, creative, creativity, where's my jetpack
Labels: agency life, customer retention, Customer satisfaction, customer service, Heineken
Labels: corporate America, cubicles, workplace life
Labels: homemade comics, mobile apps, mobile blogging, social media, social networking, text messaging, texting
Labels: 2008 race, George Stephanopoulos, Keith Olbermann, political satire, polling, polls, presidential politics, pundits, Reality TV, Tim Russert
Labels: randomness, YouTube
Labels: America, Babylon, Benjamin Franklin, Florida DMV, John Adams, Photoshop, Thomas Jefferson
Labels: band names, Google News, homemade music, music industry, randomness, rebranding, record labels, where's my jetpack
Labels: may day, randomness, wikipedia